November 13, 2013, DOX – Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague, 8 PM

Contempuls Praha Luigi Nono: La lontananza nostalgica utopica futura David Danel – violin, Jan Trojan – sound projection

October 5, 2013

November 6, 2013, Kunsthalle, Košice, Slovakia, 8 PM

ISCM World New Music Days 2013 Košice Adamčiak, Andriessen, Burla, Porfiriadis, Seletković VENI Academy (PMY members participating), Marián Lejava, Daniel Matej

October 5, 2013

November 5, 2013, Kasárne/Kulturpark, Košice, Slovakia, 6 PM

ISCM World New Music Days 2013 Košice Webern, Medekšaité, Matej, Godár, Krauze fama Q, Daniela Varínska, Peter Katina, Lenka Novosedlíková

October 5, 2013

November 1, 2013, La Fabrika, Prague, 9 PM

Contempuls Prague Michael Jarrell: Kassandra (German version) Anna Clementi, Prague Modern, Marián Lejava

October 5, 2013

October 13, 2013, Czech Museum of Music, 6:30 PM

16th International Festival of Concert Melodrama Prague 2013 Arnold Schönberg: Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte Brian Caspe, Jan Dušek, fama Q

October 5, 2013

October 12, 2013, La Fabrika, Prague, 19:30

Azerbaijan Visual Concert: The Flower of Fire / Il fiore de fuoco Prague Modern, Azerbaijan Mugham Trio, Lukáš Kovařík – conductor

October 5, 2013

June 9, 2013 fama Q & Rita Sloan (piano) @ Sv. Šimon a Juda Church, Praha, 19:30

concert for Defiant Requiem Foundation  Schubert, Marek, Schumann, Fauré

August 13, 2013

June 8, 2013 fama Q @ Nádraží Praha – Bubny, 15:30

concert for the Defiant Requiem Foundation and Shoah Memorial Prague Project Mozart, Schubert, Matej, Kopelent, Marek, Nono

August 13, 2013

April 9, 2013 Lucerna Music Bar – Prague, 20:30

Prague Modern Young (support), Lenka Dusilová and Baromantika Riley, Niblock, Burlas

August 13, 2013

April 1-6, 2013 PMY@Afyonkarahisar Klasikal Müzik Festivali, Afyon, Turkey

ducational activities, concerts Prague Modern Young as “Ensemble In Residence”

August 13, 2013

March 26, 2013 Markéta Othová / Petr Bakla “Master process”

from the PM series: “nahlížet nasloucháním / ecouter-voir / listening eyes” vol.2 fama Q Tranzitdisplay, Dittrichova 9, Praha 2, 19:00

August 13, 2013

March 9, 2013 fama Q plays at the Jubilee for the Day of the 150th Foundation Anniversary of Umělecká beseda

Old Town Hall, Brožík Hall, Prague 1, 16:30 Smetana, Jaroslav Rybář

August 13, 2013

February 22, 2013 famaQ@Magister Ludi Moscow 2013

Srnka, Moser Rudolf Slánský Hall, Czech Embassy, Moscow – 19:00

February 14, 2013

February 25, 2013 famaQ@Magister Ludi Moscow 2013

Srnka Rachmaninov Hall, State Conservatoire, Moscow – 19:00

February 13, 2013

February 7, 2013 Contempoetry

Prague Modern Young nebo PM(y!) @ Motýlí efekt / Rudolfinum Adamčiak, Lejava, Chaloupka, Burlas feat. Jaromír Týplt

January 23, 2013

January 29 2013 fama Q @ Kostel sv. Vavřince

Umělecká Beseda – Kostel sv. Vavřince – koncertní síň Pražského jara, Hellichova , Praha 1 Jan Rybář, Tomáš Pálka, Witold Lutoslawski

December 24, 2012

September 27, 2012 @ Musica Strasbourg

27th of September 2012 Musica Strasbourg, Cité de la musique et la danse, 20:30 Francois Sarhan / Jan Švankmajer: Magnetická pole Jana Švankmajera

September 19, 2012

October 20, 2012 @ Film Sokolov

October 20, 2012 Film Sokolov, Cinema, 23:30 Prague Modern Young! + fama Q + Martin Ježek After Anger: Burlas, Matej, Smolka, Adámek, Chaloupka

September 19, 2012

September 29, 2012 @ Festival Besançon, France

Posts News Besancon

September 29 (2011) Prague Modern together with Fanny Ardant and Michel Swierczewski perform Michael Jarrell’s Cassandre at Festival International de Musique Besançon Franche Comté

July 27, 2011

PM hraje rumunské a české autory

Post News logo-rum-institut

Prague Modern hraje rumunské a české autory Poušť, 30 let poté, přesný čas nepodstatný Kopelent-Olah-Loudová-Niculescu-Slavický-Nejtek-Marbé Galerie HAMU, 26. ledna 2011, 19:30, vstup volný

January 22, 2011

Krása dneška 7

Krasa Dneska 7

Prague Modern spolupořádá koncert cyklu Krása dneška John Eckhart feat. Birds Build Nests Underground: Xylobiont Project. Úterý 10. ledna v 19.30, Švandovo divadlo.

January 3, 2011

Contempuls | November 19

Post News logoContempuls2

Contemporary music festival in La Fabrika is taking place on Friday, November 19. See festival website

November 15, 2010

Coming soon!

This website is under construction, so be patient.

August 25, 2010